Our Woodlands. Our Future.

News File - What Was Mitchell's Vision?

  • Houston Chronicle
    A sweet and friendly spirit, Tough is filled with stories of what it was like to be part of the initial development of the place where more than 115,000 people call home. Take The Woodlands Waterway, for example; Tough said that used to be a mere drainage ditch.
  • ABC 13 News
    The Woodlands was named a Monarch Champion by the National Wildlife Federation earlier this year for its commitment to the endangered butterfly...The Woodlands' founder George Mitchell in the 1970s had indicated 25% of land in The Woodlands should be off limits from development. The current figure is 28%, according to a Howard Hughes news release.
  • Community Impact Newspaper
    The original village of The Woodlands opened Oct. 19, 1974, and was named after the Grogan-Cochran Lumber Company that formerly owned and operated the land and had a mill on the property. The opening of this village was commemorated with a flag-raising ceremony and celebrity appearance by William Shatner.
  • incorporation costs
    Community Impact
    “I’m surprised to see the current board is moving so fast to have this incorporation vote, and I haven’t had anyone identify what problem we’re solving or what risk factor we’re identifying,” former Township Chair Bruce Tough said. “There’s a push for some reason and no benefit to be gained.”
  • Community Impact Newspaper
    Evidence of Coulson Tough’s influence on The Woodlands can be found in every corner of the community—in its leadership, aesthetics and schools.
  • Goerge Mitchell statue
    "This exceptional community that we enjoy as residents is the result of one man's extraordinary vision of the ideal place to work, play, live and prosper, and that man is Mr. George Mitchell," says Township Chairman of the Board Gordy Bunch. "On behalf of The Woodlands Township Board of Directors and employees, we would like to take a moment of thanks and celebrate a wonderful man on his 100th birthday."
  • Houston Chronicle
    Harking back to the early years of the future community that would become The Woodlands, one cannot help but notice the impact a team of urban planners, architects and other specialists had on the development founded by George Mitchell. One of the key players in the formation, design and creation of The Woodlands as it is known today is Robert Heineman, vice president of planning for The Woodlands Development Co.
  • Community Impact Newspaper
    An 18-year project has come to an end in The Woodlands, completing a key component of the original design for George Mitchell’s master-planned community.
  • The Courier of Montgomery County
    The Woodlands, which opened in 1974, was the vision of community planner and developer George Mitchell, who died in 2013. He and his wife Cynthia, who died in 2009, worked with several influential city and urban planners, including famed University of Pennsylvania scholar Ian McHarg and Robert Heineman, a graduate of Rice University and Harvard University's School of Design.
  • Houston Chronicle
    This principle — work with, not against, a site's natural condition — was first promulgated in The Woodlands in the 1970s and continues to hold sway in developments surrounding Houston.

