The pathway system consists of an 8' wide network of 209 miles of hike and bike trails, which connect the various neighborhoods to schools, 140 parks, 10 grocery-anchored village centers, and employment locations such as the Town Center. The residential neighborhoods, park and pathway system, schools, institutional uses, and village centers are designed to accommodate most of a family’s daily needs within a 1 to 2 mile radius. The graph above was plotted using data from The Woodlands Community Facts.
Although residents may need to deal with traffic and road closures Saturday, drawing so many people to The Woodlands, the Ironman race will not only drive business to local retail and service industries, but it will also generate revenue for the local government. The extra 2% sales the Township... Read More
“We’re incredibly excited about this, and it is something we’ve been trying to put together for a couple years now. I don’t know if many of you know, we have 2200 hotel rooms available in The Woodlands every single night," said Bruce Rieser, Chairman of the board at Visit The Woodlands... Read More
Another way the flow of traffic in The Woodlands could be improved is by reducing the actual number of vehicles traveling on the roads. The Woodlands Origin-Destination study utilized... Read More
Town Center development contrasts with but complements development in the Residential Villages. The villages convey the feeling of a small town within a forested setting. The residential neighborhoods, park and pathway system, schools, institutional uses, and village centers are designed to... Read More
The drainage that came out of The Woodlands, right in the middle there of Town Center, there was a little gully there that went from here to Oak Ridge North. And we said alright, why don’t we excavate that and make it an area where we could have traffic on the water, within the town core. And... Read More
On October 19, 1974, The Woodlands celebrated its grand opening and the introduction of this new community to the Houston marketplace. Progress over the years has been achieved through the collaborative efforts of our employees, residents, governmental agencies, churches, civic organizations... Read More
In contrast to most other developments, the mobility system is planned for the ultimate development of The Woodlands. The land required for the widening of roads or the construction of overpasses has already been dedicated to Montgomery County, thus saving time and the expense to acquire... Read More
Since its inception, The Woodlands Development Company has dedicated the full road rights-of-way based upon the estimated “build-out” to Montgomery County. In the case of major thoroughfares, this dedication of land consists of rights-of-way 130’ to 494’ wide along 35.73 miles of roads and... Read More
- The Woodlands Origin-Destination Study
- 1985 Montgomery County Major Thoroughfare Plan
- 2016 Montgomery County Thoroughfare Plan
- Road Structure in The Woodlands
- The Woodlands Community Facts
- 1972 Project Agreement Between The United States of America and The Woodlands Development Corporation
- The Woodlands Road Mileage - Ultimate Projection vs Actual
- The Woodlands Pathways - Ultimate Projection vs Actual
- The Woodlands Township Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan
- The Woodlands Development Update
- South County Mobility Plan